3 Delicious Oatmeal Recipes for Effective Weight Loss

Combining oatmeal with other ingredients such as pumpkin, brown rice, and fresh milk can optimize the effectiveness of weight loss.
Pumpkin Oatmeal Porridge
Oats are rich in B vitamins, protein, fiber, minerals (especially calcium, iron, and magnesium), and antioxidants, which are beneficial for heart health and digestion. Oats contain little fat, making them ideal for those on a diet to lose weight quickly and maintain good physical health.
Pumpkin is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals (especially calcium and phosphorus), protein, carotene, fiber, cellulose, and natural sugars, while being low in calories and fat. Pumpkin is a top choice for dieters.
Pumpkin Oatmeal Porridge Recipe:
- Step 1: Prepare 100g pumpkin, 30g oats, cream, butter, olive oil, and tapioca flour.
- Step 2: Peel, chop, and clean the pumpkin, then steam it. Soak the oats to soften them.
- Step 3: Bring the blended oats to a boil for 2 minutes, then add the steamed, mashed pumpkin and butter, stirring well.
- Step 4: After 3 more minutes, add tapioca flour and stir continuously.
- Step 5: Once the porridge thickens, turn off the heat, drizzle a few drops of olive oil, serve, and enjoy.
Brown Rice Oatmeal Porridge
Brown rice is another excellent food for dieters due to its high fiber content and low energy and fat levels. Brown rice enhances digestion, regulates blood pressure, and lowers bad cholesterol, helping to prevent fat accumulation and support weight loss.
Brown Rice Oatmeal Porridge Recipe:
Simply cook brown rice until tender, then mix in oat powder. You can enjoy it with meat, eggs, or vegetables to enhance the flavor and avoid monotony.
Oatmeal and Banana Cookies
Bananas are a great fruit for health. They are rich in protein, vitamin A, B vitamins, minerals, fiber, and low in calories. Bananas also contain resistant starch, which helps release energy from starch and reduces fat accumulation in the body. Combining oats with bananas in cookies creates a delicious and satisfying treat that aids in weight loss.
Oatmeal and Banana Cookies Recipe:
- Step 1: Peel and slice bananas, then mash them. Mix bananas, oats, cinnamon powder, cocoa powder, and chocolate chips in a bowl.
- Step 2: Steam honey and peanut butter until melted and combined.
- Step 3: Add the mixture from Step 2 into Step 1, then add an egg and mix well.
- Step 4: Shape the dough into small cookies, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake.
- Step 5: Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 12 minutes, and the cookies are ready to enjoy.
While natural food-based weight loss methods are simple, easy, and completely safe, many people find it challenging to strictly maintain their diet due to a busy lifestyle, resulting in less-than-expected weight loss outcomes. As a result, high-tech weight loss solutions have emerged as a savior for maintaining a healthy figure.
- Premium Oatmeal Cups | A nutritious food that's great for health (suitable for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets)
- Tâm Minh Foods Oatmeal Porridge
- Oatmeal porridge, made 100% from natural ingredients, with no MSG, artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Packaged in 50g servings, this product is free from chemicals, colorings, flavorings, and preservatives. Ingredients: oats (50%), brown rice (40%), burdock root (3%), shiitake mushrooms (1%), carrots (1%), and seasoning (5%): salt, onion, pepper.